The Lake Chad catchment area is the largest inland water basin in Africa, but today, the ecosystem is fragile and degrading quickly as it faces a web of related challenges.
The problems are familiar: the world is warming, extreme weather is increasing, and we're experiencing a critical loss of biodiversity. But in some places, it's playing out far more quickly. Whole ecosystems that have supported life for millennia are rapidly unravelling. And real people are suffering—hunger is on the rise, disasters are affecting more people, and lives are at stake. When people face these kinds of conditions, they’re forced to make more and more desperate decisions to survive.
From 2024 through 2027, CLWR's largest project ever is playing out in dozens of communities around Lake Chad, as we work with thousands of farmers to stop their ecosystem from unraveling and tip the balance back to sustainability. We want you to be part of it — because the future of the whole region is at stake.