Jul 14, 2016

Strengthening Canada's international assistance

CLWR is seeking your support to better meet the needs of those who are displaced and food-insecure A message from Robert Granke, CLWR’s Executive Director The Government of Canada, through Global Affairs Canada (formerly CIDA) is undergoing a review of its international assistance programs. The aim of the review is to rethink Canada’s international assistance policies and programs to better respond to the challenges and opportunities of the new global context. As part of this review, Global Affairs Canada is soliciting feedback from Canadians­—including you! As supporters of CLWR, we encourage you to submit your input into this process. CLWR is supportive of the Government of Canada’s efforts to review and renew its international assistance (IA) policy. In particular, we applaud the renewed focus on responding to the needs of displaced and vulnerable populations and how to best deliver results. Drawing on our organizational proficiency in the areas of sustainable development and humanitarian assistance, our submission focuses its feedback on three key areas:     1.    Responding to humanitarian crises and the needs of displaced populations,     2.    Clean economic growth and climate change, and     3.    Delivering results.

Jul 4, 2016

Ethiopia drought situation report

While there are some encouraging signs that a break in the drought may be possible, the situation in Ethiopia is still critical in large portions of the country. Here is a sit-rep (situation report) from LWF-Ethiopia.

Jun 23, 2016

Opening ourselves to what God is doing next

If you are a pastor or congregational leader and have been concerned that if your congregation became involved in receiving a refugee family that all the work would fall on you, then we invite you to read this excellent article from Pastor Carol Janke of Messiah Lutheran Church.