All Gifts


Browse through the gift options below, choose a category above, or click to print out or view a PDF copy of the 2024 catalogue and order form.

Please note: If you're purchasing Gifts from the Heart on Dec 23 or 24, we will not be able to send cards in time for Christmas - please download your gift cards here to print yourself at home!

Fish (Tiny Hearts)

Fish (Tiny Hearts)

Choose this gift for the Tiny Hearts in your life, and you'll help give a family fish so they can grow their own food and income. Suggested donation: $4

Tiny Hearts Bundle (Tiny Hearts)

Tiny Hearts Bundle (Tiny Hearts)

Choose this gift for the Tiny Hearts in your life, and you'll help give a family everything they need to grow their own food and income and keep their land healthy! Suggested donation: $100

Plant 10 trees

Plant 10 trees

We're helping farmers around Lake Chad restore a devastated ecosystem and rebuild their economy! Add ten trees to Africa's Great Green Wall and you'll provide jobs and help heal the land around Lake Chad. Suggested donation: $10

Preserve land

Preserve land

While we work to restore the ecosystem, help establish protected areas for farming, fishing, and more. Suggested donation: $80

Start a market garden

Start a market garden

Help a woman rebuild the ecosystem. Through her new business running a sustainable market garden, she’ll feed her family, earn income, and support healing the land. Suggested donation: $300

Fund a local solution

Fund a local solution

Community members around Lake Chad are the best experts on their lands and how nature can help solve problems their communities face. Fund one of their conservation and restoration initiatives in a community around the lake. Suggested donation: $1,200

Crisis in Israel and Palestine

Crisis in Israel and Palestine

As violence shatters lives in Jerusalem and beyond, help CLWR and our partners provide emergency care and shelter, and maintain the vital operations of Augusta Victoria Hospital and the GRIT technical education program. Suggested donation: your choice